- Welcome to Reference Guitar
- Guitars
- Playing Guitar
- Guitar Tech
- Other Resources
- The Stage
- The Studio
- Community Forums
I have often found it difficult, even with the mighty power of google, to locate specific information I or our students were looking for concerning guitars, guitar playing, techniques, finger positions, repair, adjustment and so on. I am creating this page to be a resource of links and original articles to make the search a little easier.
For those familiar with my writing (ranting?) you know that I try in all things, to be as brand agnostic as humanly possible. I will do my best to continue that tradition here, but due to the nature of the subject, some bias may creep in. As always, YMMV.
I am undecided about directly linking to wikipedia for certain articles, though I will certainly be happy to include wiki in the references. I would love to hear your thoughts about this in the community forums
I’m not too positive on the site structure, and really not sure I have the categories right, and could use suggestions. So far it is broken down into:
Main Article: Guitars
Talking about types of guitars, maybe brands and stuff
Playing Guitar
Main Article: Playing Guitar
What fingers to use when and where, some (eek!) music theory, scales, technique and things
Guitar Tech
Main Article: Guitar Tech
Hopefully some description of common guitar repairs, explanation of design and function of various parts, maybe how to use a soldering iron?
Other Resources
Main Article: Other Resources
Places to learn how to play guitar, software that helps, things like that
The Stage
Main Article: The Stage
Gear and etiquette for the stage? Not really sure yet
The Studio
Main Article: The Studio
Stuff you should know about recording guitar